January 3, 2009

Bellapais Abbey is the most famous place for its architectural treasures. It is situated over the beautiful mountain village that adds beauty to it. This was the place that I really missed during my first visit to NC. At one side you can admire the cloud touching mountains and the another side, Kyrenia city alongside the vast sea. There are easy ways to get this destination, if you follow the road-signs.

At time to time construction work took place here, if you see the history of this abbey and Kings keep on renaming it during their periods. I am not going into the history. Sometimes you can even enjoy the concert inside the abbey. Basement of Bellapais abbey invites the lovers of art and other lovers :-) You can really enjoy the photo frame pictures from every point of abbey.  

All the snaps shown here were initiated as single. Wanna to know why I am telling this. Reason is pretty clear that one person asked for the single snap till the time he gets ready and photographer clicked, the group was in the foreground. ha ha. So single converted into group ones. This was really fun-filled time and we carried on this till the end of NC trip.
It looks even better in the night when the lights on. You can even witness it from almost any part of Kyrenia city. You can even enjoy the Bellapais Festival - A unique music experience at the breathtaking atmosphere of the Bellapais Abbey in May - June. It is known as a masterpiece of Gothic art.

Just FYI, ticket entry fee is 5 Euros (when we visited) per person. You can get group discount and even lesser, if you are student. I would suggest that Ballapais abbey is must see for the visitors of NC in any season, be it winter or summer.Wanna to have a look to other places in North Cyprus.

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