August 30, 2008

Quote of the blog: "Please consider the environment before printing any page/mail" I am here writing now my first positive non-Fibonacci number blog. "Four is the only number in the English language for which the number of letters in its name is equal to the number itself." Still thinking something for the future, I think of something about 4G. This time I am not...

August 23, 2008

Quote of the Blog: "There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary and those who don't." I am here to add-up my 3rd blog. So what could be better than writing something about the future of the world. I thought too much, finally I encountered in the third dimension. Yes,...

August 15, 2008

Quote of the Blog: "Where the wine is Born, grows and matures... There are no secrets." Its time for the second blog to start with the "B" Bold letter as it is the second letter in the English Alphabet. Good Simile; I like to use Simile-Figure of speech. Although 15 August, is the Independence Day in India and Holy Day of Obligation, Assumption Day in other countries....

August 9, 2008

Quote of the Blog: "It is so simple to be happy but it is so difficult to be simple" It is just going to be 08:08:08 P.M, as I started to write this blog here in Cyprus. I back to flat early on time from office today, and have a cup of cardamom-ginger Tea that I always prefer to have. It is really amazing that when I am writing my first blog, it is triple eight...

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